Cancelation and Return policy

To cancel your subscription, please log in and click ‘Cancel’ at least 48 hours before your next payment to prevent unwanted charges or shipments.

You will receive a full refund if you cancel before scheduling a Telehealth appointment or if you’re deemed ineligible for the treatment. Should the appointment occur, a partial refund will be provided, but a $60 consultation fee will be deducted. Please note that missed Telehealth appointments incur a $30 fee unless canceled or rescheduled at least 12 hours in advance.

Please note, once a prescription medication has been processed by our pharmacy, it is non-cancellable and non-refundable. For overnight shipped prescriptions requiring refrigeration, the patient is responsible for prompt retrieval and storage. We cannot accept returns or provide refunds if these medications are not appropriately handled.


For all medications that leave the pharmacy, we cannot accept returns or offer refunds due to government regulations.

Exchanges (if applicable)

We only replace items if they are defective or damaged, and you must contact us within two weeks of delivery.